Mbah Maridjan dies in a state of prostration in his room? Batik dress the corpse in the room Mbah Marijan house allegedly is one of the victims died of Mount Merapi erupts October 26, 2010, means the news that states Mbah Maridjan Congratulations irrefutable by any alleged Dies Mbah Marijan.

Not far from his home in the hamlet of Kinahrejo, Umbulharjo Village, District Cangkringan, Sleman regency, Yogyakarta, caretaker of Mount Merapi, Mbah Maridjan, reportedly has been found safe.

But the condition is weak due to exposure to heat clouds glide or known citizen wedhus trash. While a dozen other people died with burns all over his body in the house Mbah Maridjan and around the home page.

But Mbah Marijan Agus Wiyarto aide who still relatives membahtah news. In RadioElshinta Twitter account that posted much at 2:20 pm, Wednesday (10/27/2010) is written, "Agus Wiyarto krabat Mbah Marijan: Not really Mbah Marijan information found on the slopes of Merapi, with the condition of weak, Salvation by volunteer military."

Earlier, in a number of mass media reported Mbah Marijan was found safe with weak conditions. Yogyakarta Navy Base Commander Col. Aloysius Sea Pramod said the caretaker of Mount Merapi were found in safe condition by a member of SAR team.

To Legal, Director Wallets Dhuafa Yogyakarta M Fauzi, who got inforamasi of evacuation team, preaching the gatekeeper of Merapi is safe. But the condition is weak due to exposure to heat clouds. "Found limp, but I myself have not met in person," he said.

Regarding the victim, carrying 15 people were killed. Consisting of 13 residents and two people who have been identified dr.Tutur, military and journalist VIVAnews Yuniawan. "On average, victims of burns,"


Latest news, which is the oracle at world cup events this year 2010, because of its ability to predict the winner in every game during the World Cup in 2010, this news has spread and become the talk of the twitter, octopus paul died after guessing germany vs spain where he choose spayol will come out as winners. Many people commented on paul's death, said one commentator that the video is the video a hoax, and many people look for news about the death of paul, and paul penyebabkan death, and possibly also video information about the death of octopus paul, and photographs of his death

Paul is known for his predictions for the 2010 World Cup in South Africa is telling. However, not many people know who Paul really is. Here are ten facts about the octopus that was two years old as reported by the Telegraph.

1. British-born male octopus
Although now living in the Aquarium Sea Life Centre, Oberhausen, Germany, Paul was born in Weymouth, England and moved from the Weymouth Sea Life Park (to Germany) in 2006.

A staff at Weymouth Sea Life Park, Fiona Smith, who never take care of Paul saying, "He never made any predictions when it is still here. However, maybe he was waiting for a big tournament like the World Cup to show that ability. "

2. Hunted man
An Argentine chef, Nicolas Bedorrou, so angry when Paul correctly predicted that his country teams will be defeated Germany in the quarterfinals of the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. He even threatened to hunt down Paul to be cooked.

"We will chase and place them on paper. We will then beat her to make the meat tender and then put it in boiling water, "said Bedorrou.

3. The big news
Prediction Paul has invited the attention of many people because a German television station, NTV began diligently to directly broadcast the match Paul's predictions, with two reporters standing on the tank so they can make the viewers know how Paul make predictions.

4. The biggest celebrity in Oberhausen
Paul is the most popular in Oberhausen.

5. Forecast accuracy is almost perfect
Paul began to predict the outcome of the game since Euro 2008 Switzerland-Austria and Germany he predict six games, with four of them correctly. He said Germany would win all the matches. In fact, Germany lost to Croatia.

2010 World Cup in South Africa, so far, all predictions about the German Paul correctly, including the question they will lose to Spain in the semifinals.

6. It could make you rich
With forecasts like that, you can rely on his predictions before the bet.

7. Smart Animals
Octopuses are intelligent animals and proved to have strong memories. "Common octopus like Paul is very smart. We equate them with intelligence and they love dogs and like to solve problems, "said Fiona Smith.

8. Celebrities on Facebook and Twitter
Paul became one of the most lively topic of conversation at social networking sites. The phrase "Paul the Octopus" and "Pulpo" (Spanish for octopus) Twitter world's top ten.

9. Without engineering
Paul predict the outcome of the game by opening one of two food containers in the tank. Sea Life Centre Oberhausen Staff, Tanja Munzig, denied allegations that there was something placed in one container. "There is no trick. Same food and everything in the two containers were the same, except the flag, "said Munzig.

10. Do not fear death threats
According to the supervisor, Oliver Walencak, Paul was not afraid of being threatened supporters who blame him for exclusion of Argentine Lionel Messi et al of the 2010 World Cup since losing 0-4 from Germany.



After processing a few months, ultimately the fate of vocalist Peter, Nazril Irham aka Ariel, gain clarity. Not only Ariel, Luna Maya and Cut Tari who is also a suspect in the case of a video nasty was also joined to get clarity. The three were released from bondage UU ITE.
Freedom of the three of them from the bondage of Law Number 11 Year 2008 on Information and Electronic Transaction was disclosed by Marwoto Soeto.

"Police investigators revoke the Law on Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE) who used dijeratkan to Ariel, Luna Maya and Cut Tari," said the Head of Public Information (Head of the passenger), Police, Senior Commissioner Pol Marwoto Soeto in Jakarta on Monday (18 / 10).

Repeal of the Act ITE entrapment in the case of hot videos, because they are not as uploader and spreaders.

"Ariel's case file has been three times back and forth from investigators to prosecutors, the return is due to the prosecutor's case files are still disputes about the confrontation between Cut Dance and Ariel," said Marwoto.

Attorney still questioned about the locus delicti (the scene) and Tempus delicti (event time) video capture these events.

Ariel with Cut Tari and Luna Maya becomes suspect Ariel's hot video with 10 people and penyebarnya uploader.

The artist who became the suspect was subject to Article 55 of the draft Penal Code (Penal Code), namely the participation in pornographic acts and article 282 of the Criminal Code concerning immoral.

Police previously set and had detained a suspect Ariel vocalist was at Police Headquarters Criminal Investigation Detention Center since Tuesday (22 / 6).

Marwoto said limits the maximum detention period by the investigators is 120 days, a period of five days' detention Ariel completed on October 23, 2010.

Police had previously conducted a physical examination to ensure the identification of actors in the video is immoral.

Physical identification using forensic anatomy, which is one way to uncover cases through scientific investigation of crime.

Investigators reviewing the third anatomical structure the artist that is Ariel, Luna and Cut Dance and compared with body characteristics listed in the video recording is immoral.


The news had just come from new entrants dangdut singer named Aida Zaskia. Dangdut singer are popular with the song 'Rooster' was admitted as an ex-boyfriend Da'i One Million People Zainuddin MZ. Aida even claimed to have spoken. What's the story?

Aida tells the story of her love with polopor Reform Star Party told reporters in Restaurants Hayam Wuruk, Tebet, South Jakarta, Thursday (10/07/2010).

Aida met with Zainuddin about 9 years ago. At that time she was a girl of 16 who sit in high school in Bogor.

"At that time I was invited as a single organ. When I sing, there emerged the figure Zainuddin MZ. After the singing, I was offered a meal, I happened to one table together Zainuddin MZ," said the woman who is now 25-year-old.

Chat also continues, Zainuddin was beginning to wonder about the activities of Aida. Until finally asked Aida phone number on the grounds one day be invited to sing.

"One week later I received a call from him, he said of Mr. Haj, Haji Zainuddin MZ. He was going relationship. Because I was not allowed to close with a man, my daddy told me when he wants relationship," said Aida.

Finally, a complete man named Zainuddin Muhammad Zein it came to the house of Aida with the entourage. It was Zainuddin came after preaching at a place.

Aida does not deny that he was impressed with the figure of a man named Zainuddin Muhammad Zein was complete.

"Since then, he comes every Monday and Thursday," said Aida who do not deny that he was impressed the 50-year-old man.

The story continues, several times in coming to Aida, Zainuddin finally ventured to propose. He invites married in Mecca.

"He told me how similar I do not want to get married in Mecca? Let not smell (caught) if here. Papa mama I'm not allowed because I'm still in school. I do not want to ruin people's households. Every she came I would hide, if papa mama I'm not there he ran into the house my grandfather the late, "the story of Aida.

After that, Aida's father had kept in touch with 4 children, but by circumstances and forced to hide from her parents. During close contact, Zainuddin did not hesitate to hold the hand of Aida during a walk. It's just that their relationship foundered 4 years ago.



Shocking news came from Justin Bieber. The singer who is now loved by teenagers, recently rumored that he was a 51-year-old phedofilia man posing as a boy of 16 years.

Baby singer who was named Best New Artist at the MTV Video Music Awards 2010, was arrested by the police after the results of these investigations proved.

Men whose real name Michael Cote, who had been masquerading as Justin Bieber. The boy who had been teen idol in the world was doing a hoax by wearing a rubber mask and wig.

Bieber's arrest of identity is finally revealed, after which he was wearing a rubber mask off in the middle of his concert.

In fact, an analysis of the FBI discovered that the lyrics of the songs Bieber also contains the words that aim to manipulate the minds of girls under 16 years old.

According to the Onion, the old man's real name is Michael Cote. He did incognito as Justin Bieber for many years using a wig and rubber mask.

In the video, Cote was arrested by some police who came to his house. Even Andrew Matheson had also served as Chief of the Los Angeles Police Department held a news conference on the arrest of an old man who has done a pedophile crimes in 50 states.

Meanwhile in the next show, featuring Dr Onion. Hanna Carrier as criminal psychological say that these songs are sung by Justin Bieber was deliberately marketed to entice teenage girls.

Not only that, Justin's mother who is known today - is disclosed Onion - is a former friend of Cote. The woman was a heroin addict who lives in Canada.

All things about Justin Bieber Onion disclosed above suspicions against one of the articles TMZ where Justin's face looks peeling off on stage. From there emerged some victims of the investigation of such a phenomenal star.



Travel 12-year career as a mentalist for Deddy Corbuzier saturate. Corbuzier intend to renew his appearance, including his own face.

"I'm bored with my face," said Corbuzier. "A little part of my face have changed. This is also a small operation from doctors," he told VIVAnews when found in the FX Senayan, South Jakarta, Friday, August 13, 2010.

But these changes do not necessarily shown to the public. Corbuzier want to give a surprise to the public. Corbuzier new show to the public on August 23, 2010 later in an event in a private television station. Waiting for that day, Corbuzier to appear in public with face coverings.

This new face, Corbuzier said, would be quite surprising. His own wife to shock. "My wife was shocked, very shocked I see new faces," he said. "But he was resigned to the will of mine."

About how the budget spent for operating small, do not want to divulge Corbuzier. "For the price, is the price of my friendship with the doctor and fashion designer John, sorry I can not tell," he said.

However Corbuzier give a little glimpse of her new face. Changes are not total, he said. "I continue to display the Gothic character, character seramnya still there," he said.


Can not be denied again, this time Keong Racun be something quite horrendous in the entertainment world, especially in Indonesia. Many things related to either of Keongg Racunn snail poison video, song keong racun, youtube download snail toxins or poisons decorate the top of the search coil Internet users in Indonesia. This is of course because of two sexy teens from Bandung Sprott Jojo is only with lipsync on Youtube can beat the original singer's fame.

Actually, the emergence of video on Youtube Sprott Jojo already about a month ago, but for some reason the last few days a new video of their disputed by several parties, including the original singer Lissa who? Maybe? less well known than Sprott Jojo. To the public, hilarious and funny performances from Sprott Keong Racun Jojo in the video may be more enjoyable. That's what's currently being catapulted a sexy girl from Bandung those lately.


Sprott Jojo probably never thought that if the videos they'll crank Poisons booming conch and make them as impromptu celebrity last few days. Their appearance in the electronic media more or less would also provide for their own good fortune. What is your opinion about the pal-style videos Keong Racun Sprott Jojo?


The photographs allegedly vulgar like Tora Sudiro, Darius Sinatrya, and VJ Mike outstanding. The photographs are circulating on twitter microblogging site.

The photos were originally spread via Blackberry Messenger service, but then disseminated through tweetphoto, photo upload sites that relate to Twitter. In the photo of Tora and Darius does something inappropriate, while VJ Mike just laughed at them.

"WTF? Is it real ??!!!" posting to the account owner andryTU, Wednesday (07/28/2010).

"Ho'oh .. Tora, Darius n mike .. @ YrizkiPW RT: That's right Darius ..? RT @ andryTU: Fun huh? LOL @ RT vinnyamalia: Ohhh ... ... ohh ..., "he later wrote.

But today, through the comments on the photo DiazCrmlWork confirms the account owner if the image is circulated through bb messenger, which was then posted to twitter.

"Oh yes vinca've expanded jgn danger nih .. Manda is in fact in tweetin kerjaan.d fuel," he wrote, Thursday (29/07/2010).

He also has been mentioned (Mention) Tora Sudiro and affirms that it is only criminals photoshop job.

"This Oath @ t_orasudi_ro ampunnn criminals work the photoshop ... ah @ km FatManda so Tora manyun tuh bang," he wrote again.

Diaz also worried that these photos could be in trouble and carry her name. "Not bad at Tweet Ihhhhh in fuel alone this picture using my name again I demanded: p @ FatManda," he concluded


As if ignoring the statement Atha (Raul Lemos's wife) that Krisdayanti is immoral woman, this time the ex-wife instead mengumbar Anang Hermansyah affection in front of the media, the KD Raul kissing. Raul and KD couples today really romantic couple, this time even brave enough to kiss when they held a press conference with many journalists. Raul current status is still as the husband of Atha, although their religion has been divorced, but legally they are still bound by the legal relationship of husband and wife.

Krisdayanti himself admits that he fell in love with Raul Lemos because her eyes filled with tenderness. Politeness and gallantry possessed by Raul singer has been able to captivate the song "Counting the days" until he was divorced by Anang Hermansyah. Although many do not agree with Kris Kristofferson relationship Raul Lemos, but the Diva is still ahead as if he already feels as lively semati with the East Timorese businessmen. KD against Raul love is very strong indeed evident in KD Raul kiss scene when they did a press conference.

Finally, Krisdayanti said that he would retire from the music world after he is married to Raul Lemos. New business would she live after they get married. Raul himself promised to meet all the needs of KD after they married. Interesting love story we wait KD Raul only on the blog this next artist news.


Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (Kemkominfo) in cooperation with the National Police has identified the first pemosting like artist hot video. "We work closely with the police have found anyone who posted the video," said Head of Information and Public Relations Kemkominfo, Gatot S. Dewa Broto, in Jakarta, Friday (11 / 6).

He said it worked in the marathon in recent time to uncover the perpetrators of hot video pemosting similar artists who invite the public unrest. Gatot added, it also has set a target before the World Cup in 2010 over the case has been completed. "We target before the World Cup finished, we've been handed to police," he said.

Billy also asserted, after his side gave a reference to the authority of existing law enforcement action on the part of police. "Our domains are on who mendeliver, first upload not on who the players," he said

The police already know who the person who first took the heat from the laptop Ariel video. The person's initials RJ and worked as a music editor to Peterpan.

Head of Public Relations Police Headquarters Irjenpol Edward Aritonang revealed this at a news conference at Police Headquarters on Jl Trunojoyo, South Jakarta, Friday (7/16/2010). Edward expose the person who took the video was hot from the laptop Ariel berinsial RJ.

"RJ worked as technical staff for the editing part of the making of the songs from a particular group of musicians where Ariel is a member," explained Edward.

RJ has been interrogated by the Bandung Causation Factor. Starting today, RJ would be arrested after police got a letter from the prosecutor's permission.

From the questioning RJ admit that he did take the hot video from laptop Ariel. "The question has several times reprimanded for not doing anything on the laptop. But the relevant data capture and spread," said Edward again.

Until this time what the motive RJ took the hot video from laptop Ariel unknown. RJ will continue to be checked by the police.


Two actresses who recently apologized to the community, Luna Maya and Cut Tari, its status is no longer as a witness in the case of Ariel exciting video. Luna and Cut Tari now becomes suspect.

"Yes, was (the suspect)," said Police Headquarters Komjen Kabareskrim Pol detikhot Ito Sumardi when contacted by phone Friday (09/07/2010).

Luna and Cut Tari becomes a suspect for violating Article 282 and 55 of the Penal Code. Article 282 of decency, while article 55, article inclusion. Both are considered to participate and be involved in these hot videos.

Changes in status Luna and Cut Tari this happens, the day after they apologized to the public. On Thursday (07/08/2010) afternoon, two beautiful actress was openly apologized and wanted to quickly finish their case.

Luna Maya and Cutt Tari okay to openly apologize to the public regarding the circulation of their videos. However, police equipment to process both.

"That's their personal affairs. Although the apology but it did not affect the legal process," said Inspector General of Police Police Headquarters Kadivhumas Edward Aritonang when contacted reporters on Friday (07/09/2010).

According to Edward, the legal process against him is not going to stop because the two had to apologize. However, regret and requests will certainly be a consideration for the investigator. Then if the two artists had been admitted to the police?

"I have not heard, the investigator always say no or not recognition is not a problem. Prove to be done," he explained.

Edward has not been able to ascertain whether Luna and Cut Tari will be upgraded to a suspect. "This morning I will check with the existence of this news may already be there but I certainly can not," he said.

Pengakuan & Permintaan Maaf Cut Tari|Jumpa Pers

Pengakuan & Permintaan Maaf Cut Tari|Jumpa Pers Kasus Video Mesum

Cut Tari presenter finally declared that the appeal to the Indonesian public apology following a case of obscene video that has been appalling and makes uneasy.

In front of the press accompanied by legal counsel, Hotman Paris Hutapea, and her husband, Johannes Joesoef Subrata, Cutt Tarii back tears as he implicitly has acknowledged his involvement in the video nasty.

Before speaking, Cut Tari visible sighs deeply and then meluncurlah sentences below:
"To Mr President of the Republic and its capital
Mr Chief of Police along with mother
Father and mother Kabareskrim
Father-mother, and investigators Police Headquarters
Religious leaders and community leaders who I respect
The parents and the people of Indonesia ...

On behalf personally and on behalf of my family who apologized profusely. We apologize for the recent news concerning myself that has caused unrest in society. Once again I am sorry ...."

After saying an apology is, Cut Tari was powerless to hold back tears.

Meanwhile, when pressed whether he was involved, directly Hotman provided the answer. "Do not ask again about the right-no," he asserted.

"For legal issues I submit entirely to law enforcement officers, Police Headquarters, and law enforcement officers. So I have to apology and forgiveness, God willing, the doors open for me. It's yes," said Cut Tari terminate his confession.


Ariel and Luna Maya still love each other in the middle of the video cases are dragging their dealings with the law. The two hugged each other affectionately when met at Police Headquarters jail cell.

"They hug. It seems they take off the miss. But baseball to cry. Luna's heart more steeled Ariel only. He seemed to embrace with great taste. And it seems this is the first time they met. I think Luna was the first time to visit Ariel," said producer Peter, Capung , at Police Headquarters, Jakarta, Monday (06/28/2010).

Still said Capung, celebrity lovebirds were not only just met and embraced. The world just like theirs. "Should people who've been going out to see baseball. What I'm catching hell like that. So that Ariel is more resilient in the cell," he continued.

Although not up to sobbing, Luna visible emotion watching Ariel, who crouched on the condition of detention cells in makeshift conditions along with other prisoners. "Luna may be touched. Shed tears does not, just filled with tears," he said.

Was the meeting Ariel and Luna was touching flavored kiss?

"That baseball idea. Maybe it does, people should go out. We are in regular conversation. Ariel's haircuts, hosted by Luna capster too," he said.

Well, the photo was circulated, Luna was seen wearing a red scarf or pasmina wrapped around her shoulders. Pasmina was similar to that worn when he visited Ariel.

In the images look, Ariel was wearing a black shirt. Ariel Luna looks lap with his back to a mirror. Both appear to consider a cell phone held by Luna.

Images obtained via google was allegedly taken on Monday, June 28 and then, or when Luna had visited Ariel in custody. Until now, the police could not yet confirmed the authenticity of this picture.

Today, police continued to investigate suspected cases involving hot videos Ariel, Luna Maya, and Cut Tari. Of the three men established a new Ariel becomes a suspect.


Circulation of hot download video news like Ariel and Bunga Citra Lestari (BCL) has circulated an intriguing residents of Manado. They went straight to video hunting like the wife Ashraf Sinclair.

Torindatuk January (36), citizen Sarapung, Galway admitted very penarasan with news in the media that the video looked like Ariel and BCL has been outstanding in their city.

"Well, we're curious. How come the video BCL outstanding here, "he said, Thursday (01/07/2010).

Jann also admitted've been looking into several places in the city center of Manado and a number of markets, where there are many pirated DVD sales. However, until this morning he admitted to not get it.

Similar also recognized one pirated DVD vendors in 45 markets, the central city of Manado. Traders who do not want to be named this, claimed to have several times asked the buyers who are looking for videos like Ariel and BCL.

However, he admitted to not have them. Until now, she just had a video like Ariel, Luna Maya, and Cut Dance, which they sold with a cover-Upin Ipin.

"I do not exist. We do not have, will be notified if there is, "he said.

In monitoring the location, the sale of DVD-like Ariel, Luna Maya, and Cut Tari seems to be more careful than ever before. The reason, police are targeting these hot video dealers.

The Honda S2000 Sports Car

The Honda S2000 is a two-door sports car manufactured by the Japanese automobile manufacturer, Honda, between 1999 and 2009. The S2000 was created to celebrate the manufacturers 50th anniversary. This article provides some information about the Honda S2000, its history, changes to specification and why you might want to buy one.At the heart of all Honda automobiles are their engines and the engine designed for the Honda S2000 is a very special one indeed. Created using lightweight materials, the engine in the early S2000 sport scars are capable of revving up to 9000rpm, producing around 240hp. The early cars used a 1997cc engine mounted front-mid for optimum weight distribution. The VTEC unit in the Honda S2000 means that below 6000rpm the car is quite docile while driving through town but once you get above 6k the car springs to life with an eagerness to head to the red line as quick as possible. In S2000 terms this means a 0-60 sprint in around 6 seconds! The engine is mated to a manual gearbox with no option for automatic.The Honda S2000 sports cars are available with two designs. The AP1 chassis was introduced in 1999 and ran until 2004 when the AP2 design started manufacture.The AP1 Honda S2000 had remote central locking, airbags, cassette radio entertainment system and an immobilizer. From 2002 the model benefited from a heated rear screen and 2004 models were available in GT spec with hard top. From 2004 the car has heated mirrors, LED tail lights and an upgraded alarm system.The AP2 Honda S2000 has remote central locking, airbags, electronic brake force distribution and ABS as standard on the later models.Options:If you buy a S2000 then you'll be pleased with the array options which come as standard on a S2000. The S2000 has leather seats available in a variety of colours including some two-tone shades.From 2004 the GT specification comes with a hardtop as well as the folding roof to help keep you warm in the winter months. The hardtop has a glass heated rear screen.Of course, all manufacturers produce a list of optional extras for your car and the S2000 benefits from an optional spoiler for extra racy looks, front and rear protectors and extra speakers for the hifi.Colours:The Honda S2000 is available in Berlina Black, Moon rock metallic grey, Silverstone Metallic Silver, Lime Green Metallic; Royal Navy Blue Pearl; Neuburgring Blue Metallic; New Formula Red; Monza Red Pearl; Imola Orange Pearl and New Indy Yellow Pearl. Popular colours for the Honda S2000 are the Neuburgring Blue, Moon rock and Silverstone metallic silver colours. Inside the cockpit, the leather seats are available in Red, Black and Tan, or blue for the Neuburgring coloured cars. Two-tone red-black seats are also available.Size:The Honda S2000 is approximately 4100mm long by 1750mm wide.Running costs:If your looking for a low cost runabout then you probably should be looking elsewhere. That nippy engine earns the Honda S2000 an insurance group 20 quote! Take it steady on the motorway and you could get upto 35mpg though combined cycle will get more like 28mpg. Also road tax could quite easily be between £200-£400 at time of writing. Servicing costs aren't too badPricesThe Honda S2000 has been around for quite a long time now and there are many higher mileage cars around the £5k area. A good well cared for model can be had for around £8-10K for an AP1 spec or £12k plus for an AP2. Prices are representative at the time of writing. Honda has an excellent reputation for reliability so buying an older car shouldn't represent too much of a risk when compared with other options.Alternatives:Around at the same time as the S2000 was the Mazda MX5 and Porsche Boxster 2-door open top sports cars. The little Mazda is a fun car to drive with an almost classical style and look dating back to cars of the 60's. The Porsche boxster is a highly accomplished sports car at the lower end of the Porsche range.Article Source:


Two days designated as a prisoner Ariel Police Headquarters, outstanding photo Luna Maya's boyfriend who looked mingle with other prisoners. Ariel looks in the photo are familiar with the 10 prisoners.

In the photo Ariel wore a white shirt and black shorts. Former vocalist Peter looked smiled and embraced one another prisoner Police Headquarters.

Ariel photos were apparently taken in custody at the Police Headquarters. Ariel, who was in the middle of the detainees were relaxed by wearing flip-flops. But so far the authenticity of these photographs could not be ascertained because no official statement from the party or the Ariel Police Headquarters.

Previously, in addition to photographs with the prisoners, there are also photographs showing prisoners wearing Ariel. He appeared wearing an orange shirt and smiled happily.

There are also photo Ariel is sitting relaxed with six others on a wooden board. Beloved artist Luna Maya is still wearing a white shirt with a white towel berselendang. Image capture also taken place in a room, which seemed to be used specifically for chatting. In the photo shown of food, beverages, and cigarettes lying on the floor ashtray.


Police set singer, Nazriel Ilham aka Ariel as a suspect in the alleged violation of the Law on Pornography.

Videotapes containing the hot scenes between a man suspected as Ariel with two women spread a few weeks ago and caused uproar in Indonesia.

Based on the videotape, the police have several times called Ariel and actress Luna Maya and Cut Tari, who allegedly also in the video recordings, to be examined.

"Ariel was accompanied by his lawyer to surrender this morning at 03 o'clock," said Deputy Head of Public Relations Division, Police Headquarters, Brig ZAINURI Lubis.

According ZAINURI, subject to the status of the suspect based Ariel Pornography Act but does not explain what the basic presumption that is used to entrap him.

In the case of an alarming video recording is not yet clear whether the actors in the video it's really a lot of names mentioned, and whether the purpose of making a video is to be disseminated.

Earlier this week police said the video was first uploaded to the Internet from an early social networking site in June.

Police say there is still pursuing a number of alleged perpetrators of the early dissemination of the tape.

Police also said there were some new additional witnesses will be heard the explanations.

"Ariel becomes a suspect, management, friends in the group or team of his band and crew will feel the impact," said analysts music Bens Leo, when contacted reporters, Tuesday, June 22, 2010.

Bens Leo disclose would be difficult for the band from Bandung to exist at the music without the presence of ground water into Ariel's frontman in the band was phenomenal. Bens Leo confessed role of Ariel in the band are very large and influential.

"It is difficult for the band to survive without Ariel because Ariel as the band's lead singer and icon," he said.


Luna Maya and Ariel 'Peterpan' spoke. Both assess the coverage of similar cases of hot videos they already excessive.

Ariel: It's Murder Character

For the first time vocalist Peter, Nazriel Irham aka Ariel, speaking of hot video that looked like him and kekasinya lakonnya, Luna Maya. Ariel asserts that the video dealers that has many motives.

One motive is character assassination. He added, "It's been two years, I was not out the album, next month, fitting a new one month from now will be issued, and this happens. This is more to character assassination, "Ariel said in a special interview with TVOne, Monday, June 14, 2010.

Ariel itself can not ensure the motive of the dealer video. When asked whether before the video came out, he received threats and so forth? Ariel never confessed. "Absolutely not no threat," he replied.

In the interview, accompanied by his girlfriend Ariel, Luna Maya. Video cases are now handled Bareskrim Police Headquarters. Ariel and Luna had been inspected Friday last week. Meanwhile today, the turn of Cut Tari, who is also dogged by a video nasty like himself.

Police took Kominfo to pursue perpetrators of the video dealers. With three versions of this video uploaded from two different cities namely Bandung and Kendari.

Answering Questions Luna Maya Popular Videos

Luna Maya and Ariel 'Peterpan' spoke. Both assess the coverage of similar cases of hot videos they already excessive.

"Preaching is already too much," said Luna Maya was accompanied by a special conversation with Ariel in Karni Ilyas on TVOne, Monday, June 14, 2010.

Luna has denied all the news that is currently loaded in the media. What was written in the media, said Luna, is not true.

"We do not like what they thought and it becomes one thing is exaggerated," said Luna who was sitting next to Ariel, the lover.

Luna and Ariel also can not understand why the news media become so big. "So as if the news is huge. Actually not really, "he said again.

Similar submitted Ariel. "What is clear, let it finish first. The legal process is still running. We have submitted to the authorities. excessive should do something, "said Ariel.



Aura kasih was was also necessary, because the blogs and forums also discussed that the aura of love and ariel peterpan also has a hot video. whether it's true or not, these rumors, but Aura kasih as the former girlfriend of ariel.Ariel peterpan also need to be alert if this were ever recorded with an aura of intimate love scenes.

Expected heat spreader similar videos ariel peterpan and the aura of love is also uploaded on rapidshare, but after the pan has not been able to find videos and Aura Kasih Ariel peterpan, or may not use the name of the file name aura kasih or ariel peterpan, making it difficult to find by the way its search on google

If it really happens, there is the possibility Aura kasih will argue as practiced by cut tari when responding to a video that allegedly look like her.
"This is a risk of working in the entertainment world and this includes the risk of my husband had a wife working in the entertainment world, so everything for me is the risk of a job," explained Dance when found at his home in Pondok Kelapa road XII / 9, Jakarta Timur , Wednesday (06/07/2010) night.

Wife of John Joseph Subrata even then thanked her husband and his family who still put faith in him. Joseph, who accompanied his wife when answering reporters' questions could only draw lessons from this incident.

"Do not tell me a great soul, my soul and I'm just one more turn, I can not do anything about it. I just prayed, begged, to try and draw lessons from the events there," said Joseph


Not yet subsided video hot issue like Ariel and Luna Maya, is now re-circulating a video nasty of a man like Ariel with Cut Tari similar women.

In the video size of 50.9 MB that looks like Ariel and Cut Tari middle wrestled on the bed. 'Cut Dance', wearing a turquoise dress with a black tank top, middle depths telunkup on the bed.

Women who face very similar to the Insert presenter is then opened her dress so just stay black tank top. Not long later, men like Ariel came over and they were making out.

If seen invisible tapes that circulated in online forums and Youtube site is much cleaner than a video nasty 'Ariel-Luna'. Allegedly, a scene captured using a more advanced camera than camera phones like the video 'Ariel-Luna'. Had a longer duration, approximately 8:45 minutes.

From the metadata, shown a video taken on November 18, 2006 at 18:18 pm. Circulation of this video back to put the public's eyes widened. When the video nasty 'Ariel-Luna', looks like Luna women have tattoos on upper left thigh in the form of interest (also called a butterfly), on video 'Ariel-Cut Tari' the women wear a ring on the finger of his left hand and also hand Right.

Meanwhile, men like Ariel was evident wearing a black wristwatch on his left hand. Is this true and Cut Ariel Dance, or just similar? So far, both Ariel and Cut Tari not yet be confirmed.

Apparently, the most popular video site owned by Google was recently uploaded to their server.

The spreader video using the pseudonym "sickterorist." He claimed 29-year-old and living in Washington DC, United States. Sickterorist yourself a new register on YouTube on Monday, June 7, 2010.

Video duration of 8 minutes 46 seconds was a new upload at around 9:15 pm today. Nevertheless, within that period, the video had been watched by as many as 351 times.

In addition to YouTube, the offender also was spreading in the video-sharing sites such as MediaFire files. MP4 format files with a size of 50.92 MB is also on display there since June 7, 2010.

Unfortunately, unlike on YouTube, there is no information on the video upload on MediaFire. For information only, on the site to share the Internet user can instantly share any file without needing to register first.


This is truly scandalous news universe Indonesian artists. By Friday (4 / 6) early morning, on Facebook circulated two gonzo videos performed by a pair of beings that are very similar and Ariel Peterpan Luna Maya.

Video in two editions, each a duration of 1.4 minutes and 6.5 minutes. The video allegedly taken by cell phone with mp4 format data. Second man whose face was clear it looked alternately holding the camera to record the scene. Even a butterfly tattoo on her left buttocks like Luna Maya was very clearly visible.

In the second video looks like human sex couples with a variety of positions. Occasionally there was a conversation that did not clear him. In addition to its recording quality is minimal, also because the sound hit television broadcasting. Video is seen have the edits, because the pieces.

When news of this writing, the two videos was deleted by the manager of Facebook. But porn video files are already scattered in different sites to download service providers are ready to use.

Ariel Peterpan One friend wrote a letter statement on its website. The author uses the name of Pantokrator, and claimed commonly called NCIS in everyday life. He also claimed to have worked as a clerk in his uncle's studio for five years Ariel and Ariel's good to know.

In the letter he mentions that the video was true Ariel and Luna Maya. The family would also have to know the video will be scattered. "The video was leaked, the cause is still under investigation Ariel family party," he wrote in the letter. He affirmed that got this story from people who had the initials A.

He called the video was made on March 23, 2009, located in a hotel in Bali. He also revolves around Ariel and Luna had dropped out two weeks later after the video recording. But then again courtship, and will be married on 20-10-2010 later.

In a letter calling party NCIS Ariel-Luna and their families in the near future will provide explanations related to this video. "We as a friend just asked not to re-distribute the video," he said.


Since the divorce, often rumored to be close to Pasha young girls. Purple vocalist had been a pursuit because the media is close to Alyssa Soebandono and Acha Septriasa. He said, the two teens had been a special relationship with Pasha.

Now, comes a new name that was mentioned a target of Pasha. He is Dara, vocalist of The Virgin. Responding to rumors, the former husband immediately denied this Agustina Okie. "I do not enter criteria him," Pasha said in a tone of self-conscious, as recorded by the camera Hot Shot SCTV, Saturday (30 / 5). He continued to dodge the pretext of not being branded too confident.

But the sight that appears at the award dinner SCTV Music Award 2010 is the opposite. When Pasha and Enda become readers nominated for newcomer category dou / group, The Virgin who became the winner. Pasha and Dara looked nervous when they greet each other on stage.

Mitha naughty remarks, guitarist of The Virgin, also makes people more curious. "What more can read his nomination said so. So nervous," Mitha said after receiving the award. He then glanced at the girl born August 9, 1991 Tarlac which awkwardly.

Along with the growing popularity of climbing, The Virgin is now inevitably be ready to become the target of news seekers. Quite often also the news that is not necessarily the truth hits them. Most recently, Dara, one of the personnel reportedly near Pasha Ungu.

"Ga have anything to do. At least I'll see you on stage. Just know so gossip yesterday because a friend asked on Facebook. I laughed just fits asked gossip hell," he argued lightly when met Graha Iskandarsyah, Blok M, South Jakarta,


Dewi Persik always make a sensation. Not far from hot kiss scene. This time not with a girlfriend but with his new boss Ahmad Dhani. Dewi had just joined the "Republik Cinta" commanded by Ahmad Dani frontman top music group, Dewa 19.

Dewi Persik hot kiss given after celebrating the anniversary of Ahmad Dani to 38 in the event Dahsyat RCTI, Kebon Jeruk Jakarta. Like many people had predicted, the original named Dewi Dewi Muria this Court will not hesitate to show affection with these three childless widower cool.
After the photo vulgar and receive hot kiss presents the 38th anniversary of Dewi Persik, Ahmad Dhani silent. Which utterance from Dhani, just feeling happy.

"Later that afternoon at home. There will be no salvation, "Dhani said after a brief moment met DP celebrated his birthday at the show in the studio Powerful RCTI, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta, Wednesday (26 / 5).

These three remain childless widower will not talk about vulgar photo with DP. On the attitude that Dhani has not answered about the photo with goddess who terlantang mengumbar cleavage, while holding the waist Dhani DP with the impression touching.

Incidentally, too, t-shirts that bear a picture of Dhani's first President Sukarno and actress Marilyn Monroe to be impressed by DP cleavage. Whether intentionally or not? Dhani has not made a clarification.

But Dhani looks so happy in her 38th anniversary that. After filling events in the Powerful. Before entering his car, Dhani taking the time to pose with fans. He is also very happy because all these artists Republic of Love Management present at the event.

Seem happy?

"It was very festive, their presence is very significant," Dhani said as he boarded his car with his black Alpahrad police number B 2727 ZL.

Ibu Ainun Habibie,Istri BJ HABIBIE Meninggal Dunia

Wife of former president BJ Habibie, Hasri Ainun Habibie dies at age 72 years. Ainun died at around 17:00 local time at the Hospital of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat, Klinikum Grohadern, Munich, Germany. "Innalillahi wa inna ilaihii raajiuun. Mother deceased Hasri Ainun Habibie. Please pray for the deceased, "the official information obtained from the twitter of The Habibie Center at 23:15 GMT, Saturday (22 / 5).

Currently all the family including BJ Habibie, and his two sons Ilham Akbar Habibie and Thareq Kemal Habibie was already in Germany.

Previously, the third wife of former president of Indonesia was lying in Hospital Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Klinikum Großhadern, Munich, Germany with a coma.

"That mother is in the observation team of doctors," said Communications Manager Tha Habibie Centre Ima Abdurrahman, Tuesday (20 / 4). He explains, Ainun have got a nurse from the team of doctors in Germany since the beginning of April 2010. When a coma, all medical aids have been revoked. Family and tawaqal resignation to God, "said Ngabalin after contacting the Indonesian Ambassador to the Netherlands, Junus Effendy" Fanny "Habibie, who was none other than the little brother of Habibie.

According to the mother of two children treated for cancer. He had undergone surgery 9 times in the period March to May.

Hasri Ainun Besari is the fourth child of eight children from the family of the late H. Mohammad Besari derived from Bandung. He was named Hasri Ainun or beautiful eyes. He married Habibie, who was also his high school friend on May 12, 1962. They have two children, Ilham Akbar Habibie and Thareq Kemal Habibie and four grandchildren.

Audi TT - classic sports Car the Best

The Audi TT - classic sports mobile or four-wheel drive vehicle car Pick a contemporary design: coupe and convertible (roof).

2008 Audi TT Audi TT Front View Wallpaper

The prototype model was presented at the Auto 623 in Frankfurt am Main, directly model Audi TT coupe with body was first presented in Geneva in September 1998, with a roof-body in August 1999. What is the name of the annual TT races - Tourist Trophy, which in 1905 held in the Isle of Man in Britain. The car is built on a platform Volkswagen Golf IV.

Audi TT Audi TT Side View Wallpaper

The very idea of this beauty belongs Freeman Thomas, the same designer who "had a hand" to a new Volkswagen Beetle, and now moved from Volkswagen-Audi in DaimlerChrysler.

2008 Audi TT Audi TT Scenery View

Design of the Audi TT sports performed in the classical style. Clean lines and simple shapes, sweet-tinted headlamp viewers, Low, had no similar silhouette is the Audi TT Coupe. Car small (4.04 m), 2-door, four.

Audi TT Audi TT Best View

The back and front of the body similar in form. Bright stylistic elements of a V-great pastors, speakers even for the "inflated" wheel arch dimensions 205/55 R15 tyres, "artillery" wheel size 17 inches and built-in integrated rear bumper chromed exhaust pipes. Overall Pick a car is very aggressive, yet elegant.

2008 Audi TT Audi TT Back View

Several variations of body painting, each of which makes it different characteristics. Red makes it brighter, more aggressive, forcing give way. Black also attached TT threatened species, but this color is it least, not in combination with the concept car.

2008 Audi TT Audi TT Interior

Cool Blue ennobles. But the ideal color-silver TT. Even without taking into account that in any colour cover fuel remains silver and provided a bright spot in another color, the color of this simply set up to the machine, making it bright and mysterious as the stars.

2008 Audi TT Audi TT Starring

Interior TT is well balanced and all of its convenience and adjusts the owner of a sports image. While the machine seems just crumbs from the outside, especially against the backdrop of heavy Mercedes, Volvo S80, BMW 7 Series, etc., it is very convenient and Spacious inside. Dropped in the deep, Z seat upholstered in natural leather, the inconvenience quickly forgotten.

2008 Audi TT Audi TT Engine

Three options engine capacity of 1.8 litres, transmission or mobile Communications. Modifications to the front drive equipped with the weakest of the four-cylinder engines row, capacity 150 litres. 

The maximum speed of 5-step mechanical CAT is 217 km / h. Four modifications of the Audi TT equipped with 180-and 225-strong version of the engine. Engine capacity of 180 litres. a high torque (235 Nm in the range 1950-4700 rpm) and accelerates a car logically to a maximum speed of 225 km / h. With a capacity of 225 litres engine. with. and torque of 280 Nm at 5,500 rpm and car Pick lift to a speed 243 km / h. 

The 224-strong engine cat only 6-level boxes to be given to transmission. Clarity switch amazing. At all road irregularities coupe responds instantly - is the usual fees that a perfectly logically car "holds" and the road could be turning on the speed, decent race hugging. But keep driving it on any toes - tussock can distract a party to the moment passed. 

The front seats are highly ergonomic and arrange rights of any build. Recently Audi TT Coupe won an award for the most orthopedic front seat. Apart from the fact that this sport seats, the "trick" is still in a roller under the lumbar region. 

The seats combination upholstery (leather and Alcantara) with a full set of adjustments and adjustable steering wheel to accommodate in the workplace is convenient. If you are going to order design saloon, and not to buy "finished", you will have mass variants - of leather or fabric. 

For example, you can buy a dark blue saloon with a marvelous quality of paying to be in harmony with the blue instrument panel, and can be ordered completely red interior, which will give you strength and energize. 

But the rear seat is made only for children or for an adult human beauty-there will be, to put it mildly, not very convenient because head on the roof and legs will not remain outside. While the Germans equipped special plate that tells that, they are on the increase up to 150 cm, even in this difficult to believe. 

But what else to expect from the landing formula 2 +2? But the loadspace pleasantly surprised. In fact, that the Audi TT coupe unusual. Such a body could be called criticism, since lid opens with the rear windscreen. The last volume of 270 litres, but the rear seats up, forming a flat surface and still increasing. 

In finishing salon generously used bright metal, from the steering wheel to the door handles. On the dashboard in the same aluminum frame stationed huge speedometer and tachometer. 

At the driver and passenger, four - baffle climate settings, also finished aluminum. Semi plastic combined with excellent skin and polished aluminum, and the classics with modern elements. Delighted attribute is true sport cars-metal stand for the driver's left foot. All this creates a unique sporting atmosphere. 

The main element of design salon, which are also available from the outside, on top of fuel-metal rings with a small increase (large appliances) or points (on Little). They are all from the handlebars where the middle ring surrounds the traditional ring Audi, and ending lever CAT, which it surrounds scheme shifts. These rings are fully operational details - for example, fans because they regulate the flow of air. 

Torpedo recalls panel small aircraft, there is no redundant lines or details, and the only decorations-aluminium border all round elements. Round of the Audi TT, by the way, is almost everything that could be done so. Even perforated rubber pedals "powder" and those with edges. 

The car is equipped with a climate-control system that is the case, it is convenient to administer and passenger and the driver, audio (depending on the level set : radio, and various class tape recorders or CD player), and other accessories. At the bottom, the PPC under tray panel buttons are opening fuel and luggage. On the other hand CPT located buttons doors. 

All button marked images, which will be understood by even children, and you do not have a week to study the instruction to learn how to use them. Perhaps not even mention such trifles as backlit glass to protect against the sun above his chair, a nice night light fixtures in the red color, very comfortable chairs of regulators. 

In winter or early dank morning, including button. All on-board computer are testify in front of the driver, and he had not had their eyes away from the road more than a fraction of a second to see fuel consumption, average speed, travel time, the temperature of the board and other figures. 

Particular attention is given to security: Reinforced Frame windscreen, arc safety seat backs, two airbags, in the mandatory components include ABS, incorporated in the passenger model. 

Despite the fact that the hood is "quartet, vibrations from the engine is no more than" Six ". A table with just intercooler Bhamra-break at all modes smooth and predictable. Sports suspension and extremely high stability on the road will make you king of the track.

2010 Audi A3 Cabrio Car View

2008 Audi A3 Cabrio2010 Audi A3 Cabrio Concept Car2008 Audi A3 Cabrio2010 Audi A3 Cabrio Side Photo2008 Audi A3 Cabrio2010 Audi A3 Cabrio Red Car Photo2008 Audi A3 Cabrio2010 Audi A3 Cabrio White Car Photo2008 Audi A3 Cabrio2010 Audi A3 Cabrio Light